Who We Are

Chris Blankenship and Kelly Orians are originally from Colorado where they attended the University of Colorado at Boulder and graduated in 2008. Chris and Kelly have been living in Louisiana for the last three years. Chris was working as an elementary school teacher at Milestone SABIS Academy.  Kelly was working as the state coordinator for the campaign to end life without parole sentencing for juveniles in Louisiana with the Juveniles Justice Project of Louisiana (JJPL). In the fall of 2012, Chris will be joining the graduate program at the University of Southern California's School of Social Work to pursue a career in wilderness based therapy and counseling with youth; Kelly will be joining University of California Los Angeles School of Law's David J. Epstein Public Interest Law and Policy program to earn her Juris Doctor and continue her work with youth in the adult criminal justice system. Like JJPL, Chris and Kelly envision a world where children, their families and their communities are given the greatest opportunities to grow and thrive. 

Kelly Orians and Chris Blankenship can be reached via email:

Chris Blankenship: Chris.A.Blankenship@gmail.com
Kelly Orians: Keorians@gmail.com

They are also on Facebook under the same names.


  1. You both are great.....I hope you are squeezing in some fun in the mist of your global justice crusade/hiking adventure.

  2. I watched Motorcycle Diaries again the other day and it reminded me of you guys. Looks like you are having so much fun other than Kelly's propensity to injure herself. Damn Kels...

    1. Hey John! damn, that is a good movie. Thank you for the kind comparison! I have set of new goal of being injury free on the next continent! ill keep you posted on that...Miss you! Glad you are in NOLA holding it down for us.

  3. Your request for funds for JJPL in honor of Kelly's 26th birthday was so inspiring. If I only had $26 extra dollars right now... Soon, I will again and you know I'll donate to reentry programs again! Y'all are so inspiring! I am sending you great love for your trek, which is based in so much love in your hearts for others.

    1. Hey Sarah! thank you so much for your support - or should we say, continued support ;) Thank you so much for the well wishes and for keeping in touch...
