
Thank you for your interest in supporting our efforts! 
In 2010, the United States Supreme Court decided the case of Graham v. Florida which made life without parole sentences for youth in non-homicide cases unconstitutional. In 2011, the United States Supreme Court decided to take up two additional cases which together could end the practice of sentencing all youth to life without the possibility of parole in the United States. Together, these cases could allow over 200 people a second chance. In Louisiana, we have seen five people return home from prison because of the Graham decision after serving collectively nearly two-centuries in prison (pictured above are the first two men to be released from the Louisiana State Penitentiary because of the Graham decision). All of the men released left prison with only the clothes on their backs and a $10 check issued to them by the state to start their lives in the free world. It is estimated that to return from prison people and their families will face over $1000 worth of costs and fees within their first month home as they pursue getting identification, paying court fees, registering for parole/probation, clothes, food, employment, and a residence.

Every penny donated will go directly to helping those serving life sentences in Louisiana successfully transition to the free world.

You can support second chances for youth and their families in Louisiana in the following ways:
Supporter of Justice: $25 (Covers costs associated with transportation home from prison!)
Justice Advocate: $50 (Covers costs associated with transportation home from prison, and a state ID!)
Defender of Justice: $100 (Covers all of the above and one month of parole fees!)
Guardian of Justice: $200 (Covers all of the above and groceries!)
Champion of Justice: $500 (Covers all of the above and a new suit for a job interview!)
Justice Super Star: $1000 (Covers all of the above and a security deposit for an apartment!)
Gold Star Sponsor: $2500 (Covers nearly all costs associated with re-entry for one year!)
*ANY flat rate donation will also be accepted*

Supporters of Justice and Justice Advocates: A thank-you email!
Defenders of Justice and Guardians of Justice: A thank-you email and a mention on our blog!
Champions of Justice: All of the above and a post card from abroad!
Justice Super Star: All of the above and a "token" of our appreciation from our journey...
Gold Star Sponsor: All of the above and a a full page ad in the program for the JJPL annual gala!

*************ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE*************

1. Click the link below
2. Choose the amount
3. Choose "recurring" or "one-time"
4. Please note "in honor of trek4chances"
5. Please provide your contact information so we can send our appreciation!
Please click here to be directed to JJPL's website!